Electronic Medical Records

  Top 10 Reasons to Get EMR
  1. Up to $44k in stimulus money
  2. Quickly locate charts - anytime and anywhere
  3. See more patients and generate more revenue
  4. Transcription cost savings
  5. Space savings
  6. Reduce staff
  7. Eliminate paper chart costs
  8. Improve charge capture
  9. EMR Data: chart it, graph it, flag it and organize it
  10. Legible charts

All Data Solutions is highly experienced in facilitating the equipment purchases for EMR systems as well as providing maintenance. As an EMR client, you will also receive discounted rates on the equipment and can be assured that you are receiving the best value around.

We maintain all backups and ensure that you are remaining HIPAA compliant. The added convenience of being able to access your EMR system via any compatible handheld device makes remote access simple and expedient.

Monthly maintenance plans provide peace of mind knowing that your network, printers, wireless equipment, servers and VPNs are being maintained by All Data Solutions. Hardware sensors in compatible servers enable us to be notified of hardware failures or temperature changes and much more so even when you are not on-site you are being thoroughly protected.

We even provide limited content filtering per your specifications to allow employees limited access to internet sites. The security and safety of your system is always a priority and with staggered stimulus packages available from the government for implementing an EMR system, it makes the entire transition both effortless and affordable.

We have worked with numerous EMR software vendors including E-MDs Solution Series, Eclinical Works, NextGen, Visionary, Medical Manager and NDC Medisoft.

*Below you will find helpful information about the availability of stimulus money for implementing an EMR system.*

Understanding the Stimulus Act